
‘Tis The Season of Giving

End of year giving is ON!


Need some ideas on how to Transform Your Community?


  1. Donate to toy drives: share the joy of toys with kids in your community that do not have access the toys you enjoy
  2. Volunteer in community kitchens: help organizations feeding those in need in your community by volunteering a few hours of your time
  3. Visit a senior living community: visiting a local senior community and providing assistance, cheering folks up with smiles, hugs and stories.
  4. Donate canned goods: gather together a box or bag of canned foods and deliver them to your local community food bank
  5. Adopt a family: know of a family who is struggling this season, make them your guest for dinner or deliver a meal
  6. Winter warmth (Clothing Drive): many people are living in the streets and the weather is brutal, reach out to neighbors and together grab some blankets and warm coats and donate to the local shelters
  7. Donate Gift Cards: a great way to help a family with groceries, meal, clothes, toy
  8. Give a larger tip to servers: we all know how busy restaurants get during the holidays, be extra appreciative of the service providers
  9. Help at local animal shelter: love animals? volunteer at the local animal shelter and share the love and petting
  10. Bake and share: make your delicious brownies, cookies, cakes and share with first responders, the homeless, elderly neighbors
  11. Family relief: help family and friends by helping babysit or petsit so they can take a break
  12. Give books: reading is essential for development and a great a way to pass the time, share your old books with neighbors, friends, or donate to library
  13. Giving Tree: set up a giving tree where the ornaments may reflect a wish by a kid from the community, a wish you may grant
  14. Help someone get home for the holidays: pay if forward by helping with the purchase of an airline ticket, bus ride or an Uber ride for someone struggling to get home.
  15. Share your giving stories in social media and tag us #civicrush

There are countless ways to share your positive vibes and transform your community. Happy CivicRushing!

#civicrush #sharethelove #transformingcommunities #oneprojectatatime #seasonofgiving

Metaformers participates in Habitat Heroes project

MetaVolunteers remove invasive plants

During the 2019 mid-year MetaConference in Reston, Virginia, a group of Metaformers joined the Reston Association and local volunteers to remove invasive plants in public trail. The staff kicked off the event with instructions about gear, allergy prevention, and identification of invasive plants. The staff also marked plants to be removed and provided the truck to haul away waste. Volunteers worked hard and cleared the trail and filled up a huge truck load of invasive plants. #Metaformers #civicrush #lovetheenvironment #restonvirginia #habitatheroes

Metaformers participa en el proyecto Heroes del Ambiente

Durante la MetaConferencia 2019 de medio año en Reston, Virginia, un grupo de empleados de Metaformer trabajaron en conjunto con miembros de Reston Association y voluntarios locales para remover plantas invasoras en caminos de parque público. Los lideres de Reston Association comenzaron el evento informando a los voluntarios sobre el equipo de jardinería, prevenir alergias y reconocer plantas invasoras. Tambien marcaron con pintura las plantas para remover y facilitaron el remolque de la basura. #Metaformers #civicrush #amalanaturaleza #restonvirginia #heroesdelambiente